Produse pentru cascada dica ltd (19)

Soluție EDI - EDI

Soluție EDI - EDI

eBDX Cloud met à votre disposition une multitude de web services : communication, traduction, validation, archivage et audit. Ces web services, organisés en Workflow (chaîne de traitements), permettent de répondre précisément à votre cahier des charges d’échanges électroniques (EDI) pour aboutir à la solution souhaitée. eBDX Cloud intègre toutes les normes et standards internationaux ainsi que tous les protocoles de communication définis dans la « charte d’interopérabilité». Nos services s’appuient sur les services d’Amazon Web Service ® (AWS) leader dans le Cloud et vous assurent ainsi un haut niveau de sécurité. Norme sémantique:EDIFACT, XML, ODETTE, EANCOM, VDA, etc. Format:texte, excel, XML ERP:SAP, X3, Dynamics, BAAN, CLIPPER, SYLOB, ABAS, DIVALTO, INFODEV, SILVER-CS, etc


Riguarda la fornitura, il montaggio e la manutenzione o ristrutturazione d’impianti traspor- tatori, ascensori, scale mobili, di sollevamento e di trasporto completi di ogni connessa opera muraria, complementare o accessoria, da realizzarsi in opere generali che siano state già realizzate o siano in corso di costruzione. Codice:OS 4
Certificare CE - Servicii de relocare

Certificare CE - Servicii de relocare

At OKSEL, we specialize in comprehensive CE certification services for machines and production lines, ensuring your equipment meets all European safety standards. Our goal is to streamline the certification process and ensure compliance and safety. CE CertificationOur comprehensive service includes: Detailed Planning: We start with a thorough assessment and planning phase to understand your unique requirements and develop a customized CE certification strategy. This involves site visits, detailed project timelines, and coordination with your team to ensure a seamless process.
Consultanță și asistență pentru afaceri și comunități - Sector privat și public - toate dimensiunile organizațiilor

Consultanță și asistență pentru afaceri și comunități - Sector privat și public - toate dimensiunile organizațiilor

Visitez le site pour avoir une vision représentative de nos domaines d'intervention et un échantillon de nos références.
Securitate pe Șantier - Servicii de Securitate pentru Construcții și Șantiere

Securitate pe Șantier - Servicii de Securitate pentru Construcții și Șantiere

Glentworth Security Ltd has already developed an industry-wide reputation for delivering top-level security services across a wide number of construction sites. Our approach allows you to tailor the service you require to ensure your construction site is secure and your costs remain in budget. As our services are bespoke to each client, you can also choose what security coverage you require and when you require it. Our construction site security is delivered by our dedicated officers, who are all trained to the current regulatory standards and are all Security Industry Authority Licensed, so you can be safely assured that their response will be swift, effective and professional. Our offering also includes the option of a 24 hour CCTV surveillance system, which is temporarily installed at each site and tailored to the sites specific requirements to guarantee the most effective coverage.
Recuperare a Datoriilor

Recuperare a Datoriilor

WORLDWIDE, FAST, PROFESSIONAL, AND ABSOLUTELY TRANSPARENT In addition to comprehensive consultation, we assess the prospects of success for your outstanding international claims in advance and, if necessary, engage our experts on-site to quickly realize your demands. We act as intermediaries between you and your customer, approaching them in their native language and mindset. This significantly increases the chances of success and, in most cases, avoids a time-consuming and costly procedure.
Doga Holding - Grup de Companii

Doga Holding - Grup de Companii

At Doğa Pet, we are a leading recycling company specializing in converting plastic waste into high-quality, reusable products, Our PET flake-based facility focuses on environmentally friendly production processes, aiming to reduce the impact of plastic waste and ensure customer satisfaction, With a commitment to sustainability and innovation, we fully comply with environmental standards and continuously improve our operational efficiency, Our goal is to provide sustainable solutions that meet the needs of both current and future generations, If our activities are of interest, I would be happy to discuss potential collaboration opportunities.
Proiectul Collab

Proiectul Collab

Conception d'une équipe freelance pour réaliser vos projets avec : - La construction de votre marque - L'élaboration de vos supports de communication - L'acquisition de trafic, leads, utilisateurs, clients...
Certificare - Companie de Certificare

Certificare - Companie de Certificare

Bir yandan tüketiciler ile doğrudan temas kurulması bir yandan da tüketiciler açısından bir güvence oluşturması bakımından ürün ve hizmetlerin belgelendirilmesi için bir takım sistemlerin kurulması son derece etkili olmuştur. Bugün başta Avrupa Birliği ülkeleri olmak üzere dünyanın birçok ülkesinde, ürün ve hizmetlerin belgelendirilmesi çalışmaları yapılmaktadır. Avrupada Uluslararası Standartlar Organizasyonu ve ülkemizde Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, bir mal veya hizmet üreten kuruluşların standartlara uygun üretim yapmaları ve tüketicilere kaliteli ürün ve hizmetler sunmaları yönünde standartlar geliştirmektedir. Bu standartlar sayesinde hem üretici firmalarda kalite ve standartlara uyum konusunda bilinç yükseltilmekte hem de tüketicilerin can ve mal emniyeti sağlanmakta, aynı zamanda tüketicilerin güvenilir ürün ve hizmet arayışlarında seçim imkanı yaratılmakta ve kalite açısından aldanmaları önlenmiş olmaktadır.
VCA Cadru Operațional - Securitate de Bază pentru Managerii Operaționali

VCA Cadru Operațional - Securitate de Bază pentru Managerii Operaționali

Public cible Cadres opérationnels (responsables de chantier, chefs de chantier, conducteurs de chantier, chefs d'équipes, responsables d'entreprise, cadre) qui souhaitent un rafraichissement de leurs connaissances en vue du passage de leur examen VCA. Ensemble de la ligne hiérarchique dont leurs certificats arrivent à expiration. Ce module est destiné à l'ensemble de la ligne hiérarchique. Objectif Pour obtenir la certification VCA, l'entreprise doit former à la sécurité ses travailleurs et ses cadres opérationnels et leur faire passer un examen agréé - Maîtriser la gestion de la sécurité au travail d'une équipe - Ce cours a pour objectif de préparer les cadres opérationnels à la réussite de l'examen "Sécurité pour cadres opérationnels VCA - L'obtention du certificat VCA base augmente également sensiblement votre employabilité, dans la mesure ou elle est demandée par de nombreux employeurs
Reprezentanța Generală ZATO

Reprezentanța Generală ZATO

Shredder Rotationsscheren Einwellenzerkleinerer Sortieranlagen Anbauscheren Abbruchzangen
Curățarea Scărilor

Curățarea Scărilor

Ihr Treppenhaus ist mitunter die Visitenkarte ihres Objekts. Ein sauberes und gepflegtes Treppenhaus wird von Ihren Kunden, Mietern und Angestellten stets honoriert und hinterläßt einen guten Eindruck Mit uns als kompetenten Partner für Ihre Treppenhausreinigung, müssen Sie sich über die Sauberkeit in Ihrem Treppenhaus keine Gedanken mehr machen. Unser Reinigungspersonal ist geschult im Umgang mit allen gängigen Bodenbelägen, somit pflegen und erhalten wir den Boden optimal. Durch die Auswahl professioneller Reinigungsmittel ist eine langanhaltende Pflege Ihres Treppenhauses garantiert.


With our in-house professional prototyping, and a network of our manufacturing Partners, you do not need to look elsewhere. We have a complete range of metal and plastic machining, additive manufacturing, casting, injection molding, welding and product testing available.
ACRYSTAL BASIC CRYSTAL ÎN 25KG - Rășini Acrystal Pulberi și lichide Acrystal

ACRYSTAL BASIC CRYSTAL ÎN 25KG - Rășini Acrystal Pulberi și lichide Acrystal

Acrystal prima liquide est un matériau composite blanc, sans solvant, à deux composants : - une résine acrylique liquide aqueuse "Acrystal Prima" - une poudre à base de cristaux minéraux : "Basic Crystal" -> Domaine d'application - Décorations architecturales - Répliques - Maquettes - Scénographie - Muséographie - Art & artisanat - Modèles - Moules - Chapes de moule - Prototypes -> Caractéristiques Unité de vente : Pot de 25KG Minimum de commande : 1 pot Dosage en poids : 1 kg de liquide Acrystal Prima 2,5 kg de poudre Basic Crystal Dureté Shore D : 81 - 83 Temps de travail : 8 - 10mn
Servicii de inginerie - Europa - Asia APCA

Servicii de inginerie - Europa - Asia APCA

Servicios de ingeniería, asesoramiento industrial
Opium.PSD2™ - Soluție PSD2 și Open-Banking

Opium.PSD2™ - Soluție PSD2 și Open-Banking

Opium.PSD2™ is a payment application programming interface (API) designed for banks and other account servicing payment service providers (ASPSP) to launch their open banking strategy and comply with EU Directive 2015/2366: Payment Service Directive II (PSD2). Our pragmatic and cost-efficient API is delivered as a secure turn-key solution and offered as a business process as a service. Opium.PSD2™ is an Open-Banking API that integrates with your web banking platform, complete with multi-factor strong customer authentication (SCA), eIDAS certification and accredited TPP verification. Our solution complies with the Berlin-Group standard for payment APIs. Take advantage of the opportunity to offer value-added services through an open banking API. ▻ Synchronized Authorization Directory ▻ Robotic Process Automation (RPA) ▻ Business Process as a Service ▻ eIDAS certificates
Curățarea Covorului

Curățarea Covorului

Ihr Teppichboden wird im Laufe der Zeit einigen Strapazen ausgesetzt. Trotz größter Sorgfalt und gründlichem saugen setzt sich der Schmutz wie z.B. Staub tief im Teppichboden ab, dies hat unter Umständen zur Folge, dass er sich mit der Zeit verfärbt und die Hygiene nachlässt. Andere Verschmutzungen wie Kaffeeflecken werden dagegen sofort sichtbar und stören das ästhetische Gesamtbild des Teppichbodens. Wir empfehlen Ihnen daher in größeren Zeitabständen eine Teppichbodenreinigung basierend auf diversen Reinigungsverfahren wie z. B. der Sprühextraktionsreinigung durchzuführen. Alternativ kann der Teppichboden im Zuge einer Grundreinigung gereinigt werden.
Prim Ajutor în Companie - 20 Ore

Prim Ajutor în Companie - 20 Ore

Pour répondre aux obligations imposées par AR du 15 décembre 2010 l'employeur doit prendre les mesures nécessaires pour: . Pouvoir assurer les premiers secours aux travailleurs victimes d'un accident ou d'un malaise, et si nécessaire transmettre l'alerte aux services spécialisés, . Pouvoir assurer le transport des victimes soit dans le local de soins, soit à leur domicile, soit vers un établissement de soins, pour autant que la victime puisse être transportée, . Organiser les contacts nécessaires avec les services spécialisés dans l'assistance médicale urgente et les opérations de sauvetage, et avec les établissements de soins, dans le but que les victimes obtiennent le plus vite possible une assistance médicale appropriée. A l'issue de la formation les participants seront capable : - d'appliquer les techniques et infos apprises à toute situation d'urgence. - d'observer et analyser différentes situations de manière adaptée - de veiller à la sécurité afin d'éviter le "sur-accident"